BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! Your alarm goes off and for the sixth time you press snooze! Nothing about you wants to get out of bed today. And you definitely don’t want to work, exercise, run errands, cook, or engage with any other human. All you want to do is sleep, wait for the morning sickness to leave, and stay in your pajamas all day.


Well, the good news is, you are not alone!! The even better news is, you don’t have to live this way your whole pregnancy. Though every single woman’s pregnancy is going to be different, and there is no cookie cutter formula (though we wish their was), there are a few things you can do to help make your pregnancy the best it can be!


8 Reasons to Exercise During Pregnancy:

  1. Healthy Weight Gain:  You are bound to gain weight during pregnancy. It’s actually healthy to gain weight and watch the number on the scale rise. However, you don’t want to gain too much. If you stay in a healthy workout routine throughout your pregnancy, you can likely control how much weight you gain.
  2. Increase in Energy:  There is a lot going on in your body during pregnancy and the baby seems to take most of your energy. This often leads to wanting to lay in bed instead of exercise. However, exercise can strengthen your cardiovascular system so you don’t tire as easily doing your everyday tasks.
  3. Labor and Delivery May be Easier:  Research shows that women who exercise regularly during pregnancy may have shorter labors, fewer medical interventions, and less complications during delivery due to better cardiovascular systems and muscles strength.
  4. Helps You Sleep Better:  Some women who workout during pregnancy say they fall asleep faster and wake up less during the night.
  5. Decrease Your Risk for Gestational Diabetes:  High blood sugar during pregnancy puts you at a high risk for gestational diabetes. However, moderate exercise 3-5 times a week can decrease your blood sugar level and risk for diabetes to occur during or after pregnancy. (please note: genetics and age also play a significant role in this).
  6. Less Constipation:  Exercise plus a high-fiber diet keeps your digestive system running more smoothly.
  7. Bounce Back Quicker:  When you have maintained your strength, muscles tone, and cardio during pregnancy, you are more likely to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight quicker.
  8. You Will Feel More Confident:  When you are gaining a healthy amount of weight (not too much), your self-image will improve. This leads to more confidence throughout your pregnancy.

Here’s to making a change TODAY and adding exercise into your daily routine the rest of your pregnancy. You never know how much a simple 25 minute walk, an exercise video at home, or a short trip to the gym can impact the rest of your prenatal season.