9 Tips for Overcoming A Plateau

We’ve all been there at some point. You know the feeling of working soooo hard and then NOT seeing the progress. The hours of working out, tracking what we are eating, lifting weights, running, etc., feel pointless when we aren’t getting the results we want. And then...

Don’t Forget to Rest

This may seem backwards to you, but rest days are equally as important as workout days. Yep, you heard me right! It’s just as important for your body to rest as it is for you to hit the gym! Now, there will be some seasons in life (preparing for a competition, special...

Tips on working out while traveling

For almost all of us, traveling is part of our lifestyle. Whether it’s to see family, go on vacation, or for work, we all will travel somewhere this year. All of these things can be fun (well, maybe not the work one), but they all mess with our schedule. And...